Gowthan recently shared how his camp experience has changed his life. Here's his story...
"My name is Gowthem age 14 studying in grade 8. I am from a Hindu family, my parents taught me to worship several gods and idols. we also worship animals as sacred gods. We are poor and have no entertainment at home.
Last year I came to know about Bible Camp through one of my classmates. I had no clue about Christian Camps, so I was hesitant to attend first. My friend told me about free entertainment and Lunch at the camp. So I went with him to the camp to get lunch and good time.
At the camp I learned a lot of good valuable lessons which I can not learn at my home. Summer camp gave hope, joy, peace and a good friendship with my camp counselor. At the camp I learned about Jesus who created everything in this world. Bible stories helped me to understand how God created each and everyone of us. At the final day of the camp, I gave my life to Jesus and decided to follow Him as my personal savior.
At the camp I learned to love others and forgive my enemies, stories from the Bible opened my eyes to see a different world. Then after the camp was over, I started to attend follow up program every week at the local church. After hearing my testimony and seeing my life transformation, my friends parents encouraged their sons to attend camp follow up program with me. I have not informed about my new faith to my parents, I want to know and learn more about Jesus and Christianity. I need more courage and boldness to witness Jesus to my parents. Please pray for me. This month I brought three of my best friends to the follow up program. Jesus helped me to find a New Life, now I want to show this new life to my friends and others. Hope my friends will bring their other friends to the camp this year. Thanks a lot to CCI for helping me to attend the Summer Camp."
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